PSPCL Result / Merit List For Assistant Lineman Vacancy 2018 @ PSPCL.IN

pspcl Assistant Lineman Merit List & Result Information

About Merit / Result : As per official information from, Large number of people has applied for Assistant lineman post in Punjab PSPCL Department. Now they all are starting to search for the exam Date, so here we are About to tell you everything about pspcl Merit List or Result. There is no Written or Online exam will be conducted. The procedure of selecting PSPCL Assistant Lineman is based on Merit. Candidates will be selected as per the marks they had achieved in 10th Standard of their appropriate board.

pspcl merit list

PSPCL 2018 Merit / Result

PSPCL Every year published the recruitment notification and this assistant lineman notification was also published by in the December month. Last date to apply for this recruitment was 26th December 2017. Candidate can know if they are selected or not by looking at the merit list. The Name which will appear In merit list or result will select for the further procedure and after for the assistant lineman job.

Important News about Merit List : The Merit list is not declared yet by They are counting the applicants and comparing their marks to prepare merit list. You can subscribe to our notification service if you want to get notified whenever the merit list will be published. You need to click on the bell icon in the right bottom side for the latest update about assistant lineman merit marks.

Recruitment for the Post of Assistant Lineman under PSPCL

PSPSCL, which is the term used for the abbreviation for Punjab State Corporation Limited, has started their recruitment process for the post of Assistant Lineman. According to the latest PSPCL Recruitment News, there are a total of 2,800 job openings, which are available for the post of Assistant Lineman. Below, we will learn about the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017 as stated by the Punjab State Corporation Limited in more details.

Details in Regards to the Number of Job Openings for the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017

Though there are a total of 2,800 job openings which are available for the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017, this number is further segregated into different categories of people, which is mentioned below.


PSPCL Job Opening Of Lineman Advertisement

pspcl assistant lineman


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Details of All the Important Dates From PSPCL Notification

In accordance to all the imported dates, which are officially launched, the following will show you entire details of all the important dates of pspcl job of assistant lineman which you shouldn’t miss if you are actually thinking to apply for the same.

Subject of Information Important Date
Start or the initiation of the online registration 29th of November, 2017
Closure of deposition of fee to your bank 26th of December, 2017 which will be as per the business hours
Ending or the Terminal Date of the online registration. 19th of December, 2017
Print out of application form from the official website of PSPCL 26th of December, 2017


Category or Cast Wise Vacancy Count / Number Of Vacancies

Category Number of Job Openings
General 1400
Scheduled Castes or Others 350
Ex-Servicemen or DXSM 196
Sports Person 56
Scheduled Castes or Mazhi or Balmiki 350
Backward Classes 336
Physically Challenged 84
Freedom Fighter 28


Details in Regards to General and Educational Qualification for the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017

According to the general qualification for the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017, any candidate who is looking forward to apply for the same, must hold a certificate of National Appreciation in the field of Lineman Trade for a time period of two years.

According to the educational qualification for the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017, any candidate who is looking forward to applying for the same must hold the following two conditions:

  • Passed matriculation examination
  • 2 Years National Apprenticeship certificate in Lineman trade
  • The candidates who posses higher education ie. Degree/Diploma in Electrical Engineering will be considered only if they, have minimum qualifications i e. National Apprenticeship Certificate in Lineman Trade.
  • The knowledge of Punjabi language either at matriculation or any other equivalent degree is mandatory

Do note, that the general qualification is something which is required above any educational certification and by no means shall disobey the same.


Details of the Limit of Age for the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017

Any candidate, who interested to apply for the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017, must be of age between 18 years old to 42 years old, as recorded on 1st of December 2017.

But still, there is a provision for the relaxation of the age limit according to the different categories of people, which is mentioned below:

Category Limit of Age
Ex-Servicemen To the extent of service
Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes 5 years above the maximum age limit
Physically Handicapped 10 years above the maximum age limit
·         Women who are separated or divorced legally

·         Separate living women due to desertion

·         Wives of an existing personnel of the military

·         Widows

·         Women married to husbands ordered as criminal or civil

·         Women whose husband has married again

The upper limit of age will be 40 years


Details for the Selection Process of the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Job Opening for the year of 2017

The entire selection process of the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017 is totally based on merit. Now, this merit is prepared under one and only one circumstance. This circumstance is the merit due to the marks which are obtained by each and every individual in the National Appreciation Certificate, in accordance with the Lineman trade. Do remember, though higher qualifications are ‘considered,’ there is no kind of weight which is given to these higher qualifications.

Details Regarding Structure of Fees Payment

When it comes to the payment of fees for the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017, there is a classification of the total amount which is to be paid by an individual. The details of the same are given below.

Category of People Amount Payable Total Payable Amount
All People of all category except the people who are Scheduled Castes A person who is possessing some order of disability Rs. 450/- for every application with additional Rs. 71/- as charges of the bank Rs. 521/-
People with some order of disability Rs. 250/- for every application with an additional Rs. 71/- as bank charges Rs. 321/-
Scheduled Castes Rs. 150/- for every application with an additional Rs. 71 as bank charges Rs. 221/-

Do note and take into consideration that any fees which are paid for a corresponding application, cannot be reverted. This is because any fees which are being paid is non-refundable, as reported by the latest PSPCL job.


How To Do Online Registration For Assistant Lineman 

Now, many of you may be thinking that how one can apply for the process of PSPCL Assistant Lineman Recruitment for the year of 2017. The process is very simple. All you have to do is visit the official website of PSPCL. There you will get the application form which you have to fill up and fill all the credentials properly. All like PSPCL result, PSPCL Job Opening.

  • Official Notification Or Advertisement Is HERE : Click HERE


Opening date of Online Registration of applications                 –  29-November-2017
Last date for completion of Online Registration (Step I)          –  19-December-2017 upto 6.00 pm.
Last date for depositing fee in Bank (Step II)                             – 26-December-2017 upto closing of bank  hours
Candidates can take printout of application from the website two days (48 hours) after depositing the fee in the Bank.
In case of any query regarding , contact (9.00AM to 5.00PM On Working Day Only) :
CRA-289/16 Assistant Manager/HR Help Line Number : 96461-11707
CRA-289/16 Senior Assistant Help Line Number : 96469-05003

Now, it is up to you whether you want to take up this process of recruitment or not! But, it is definitely a good chance of job opening for many people, directly under the government.


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