RBI Security Guard Syllabus 2021: Written exam pattern

RBI Security Guard Syllabus 2021: Written exam pattern.

In this article, We will talk about the syllabus and exam pattern of the Reserve Bank of India exam.

Reserve Bank of India has released a notification for the posts of Security Guards. There a total of 241 vacancies. You can check the official website for more details.

RBI Security Guard Syllabus 2021

The eligible candidates can apply through the online application form between 22/01/2021 to 22/02/2021. Now, let’s talk about the recruitment overview.

RBI Security Guard Syllabus 2021 Recruitment Overview:

Origination Name
Reserve Bank of India
Name of Post
Security Guards
No. of Vacancy
241 posts
Selection Process
Online Examination
Physical Test
Document Verification, Biometric Verification, and Any Other Procedure
Pre-Recruitment Medical Test
Exam Date
In the month of FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021.
Application Submission Start Date
January 22, 2021
Last Date to Apply Online
February 22, 2021

RBI Security Guard Syllabus 2021 Selection Process:

  1. Online Examination
  2. Physical Test
  3. Document Verification
  4. Biometric Verification
  5. Pre-Recruitment Medical Test

RBI Security Guard Syllabus 2021 Online Examination:

Exam Pattern:

  1. Online Exam.
  2. MCQs type questions.
  3. Test of Reasoning and Numerical Ability will be in both languages: English and Hindi.
  4. Max. Marks: 100 marks.
  5. Total questions: 100 questions.
  6. Each question will carry 1 mark.
  7. Time duration: 80 minutes.
  8. No negative marking.
  9. To qualify, the candidate will have to cross the minimum criteria.
Sr. No.
Name of the subject (Objective) No. of Questions/ Maximum Marks
Duration (in Minutes)
1 Test of Reasoning 40 40
2 General English 30 30
3 Numerical Ability 30 30
Total 100 100

RBI Security Guard 2021 Syllabus:

Test of Reasoning:

  1. Verbal and non-verbal types
  2. Analogies
  3. Similarities
  4. Differences
  5. Space visualization
  6. Problem-solving
  7. Analysis
  8. Judgment
  9. Decision making
  10. Visual memory
  11. Discrimination
  12. Observation
  13. Relationship
  14. Concepts
  15. Arithmetical reasoning
  16. Verbal and figure classification
  17. Arithmetical number series etc.

General English:

  1. Passage
  2. Preposition
  3. Correction of sentences
  4. Change active to passive/passive to active voice.
  5. Change direct to indirect/indirect to direct.
  6. Verbs/Tense/Non-Finites
  7. Punctuation
  8. Substituting phrasal verbs for expression
  9. Synonyms and Antonyms
  10. Meanings of difficult words
  11. Use of adjective
  12. Compound preposition
  13. Determiners(use of a, the, any, etc.)
  14. Use of pronouns.

Numerical Ability:

  1. Simplification
  2. Decimals
  3. Data Interpretation
  4. Fractions
  5. L.C.M.
  6. H.C.F.
  7. Ratio & Proportion
  8. Percentage
  9. Average
  10. Profit & Loss
  11. Discount
  12. Simple & Compound Interest
  13. Mensuration
  14. Time & Work
  15. Time & Distance
  16. Tables & Graphs etc.

Physical Test:

Sr. No.
Measurement as per age group
AGE 30-40 AGE 41-45
2.4 KM Run
10 Min 31 Sec to 11 Min 15 Sec
11 Min 31 Sec to 12 Min 15 Sec
11 Min 16 Sec to 12 Min
12 Min 16 Sec to 13 Min
12 Min to 15 Min
13 Min to 16 Min
Over 15 Min Over 16 Min
5 Meter Shuttle in One Min
14 to 15 12 to 13
12 to 13 10 to 11
10 to 11 8 to 9
Below 10 Below 8
20 17
16 to 19 13 to 16
15 12
Below 15 Below 12
30 25
28 to 29 23 to 24
26 to 27 21 to 22
24 to 25 19 to 20
22 to 23 17 to 18
20 to 21 15 to 16
Below 20 Below 15

Official Website: https://www.rbi.org.in/

If you have any queries, check the official website.

Wishing you all the best for the examination, and stay tuned for the next update.


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